Weeks 7 & 8: Editing Film Opening
Week 7: The image above displays the production company name we decided to go with: WAMM Productions. As usually done in the beginning of a film, the production company name is listed. Thus, we chose to open with "WAMM PROD PRESENTS." Since it is an important title Miguel enlarged the font and spelled it out all in capital. Miguel edited the video clips through Adobe Premier Pro. Whilst editing, one visual channel was used in the beginning. Three audio channels were also used. One's purpose was to mute the original audio so that the creepy background music could be heard much more clearly. The black screen visual transition was added in attempt to the video flow better by making it seem as if time had passed by rather than just jumping to the next scene. One problem we had was deciding exactly what our script would be like so we struggled in that sense. Following the first cut we will definitely rethink our script, because even though we had the general ...