Film Opening Research #2- A Cinderella Story

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
1)Warner Bros Pictures Presents    2)A Clifford Werber Production   3)In Association with Dylan Sellers Production 4)Hilary Duff  5)A Cinderella Story 

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The snowy mountains and breathtaking castle are prioritized in the opening sequence. This is shown only to be a fake sight as the camera zooms out of the snow globe and shows the bustling city in which the main character lives in. The girls relationship with her father is also heavily focused on in various different short scenes where we see them having fun: driving around town, playing baseball, her birthday at their diner. But we see all that go down the drain when the happy birthday scene turns droopy in the eyes of the main character as some random woman who isn't her mother stumbles upon her father. Later they marry and she has to deal with an unwanted stepmother and two horrible stepsisters.

What connotations do the images carry?
The image of the snow globe show a world that people fantasize about, but quickly shows the reality of the average person's life. Later, when there is an earthquake and the father leaves to check up on his new wife, we see the young girl scream for him and the globe break, displaying the cruel manner that life is. 

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
This seems to be a drama film as the audience is taken from a whirlwind of emotions and conflicts in the first 5 minutes. The best moments of life with a happy family, and then an antagonist comes along to ruin all that has previously been established. Soon, what was once a family is broken up because of the protagonist and the cheery child turns lonely and sad with the loss of her father. It is made obvious by the main character's change in mood from the time her step-family arrives that there will be conflict between the family.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film portrays a beautiful life that seems almost perfect, and then takes that all away from the main character. Even though this is typical for a Cinderella film, viewers are intrigued by how this plot will play out with (what was at the time) a modern spin on the children's fable. The movie takes place in what appears to be the average person's life, very different from the original story.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The film appeals to the audience's emotions by painting a heartwarming picture of a father and daughter facing the world together. They enjoy spending time with one another and are always happy to be in each other's company. After becoming attached and content for the two, the father is killed off, leaving viewers sad for the young girl after being so joyful. In such little time, the movie plays with people's emotions as they are prone to feel what others around them feel. Aside from that, when the father is killed off, there is the wonder of how the poor child will go on, making the audience want to keep watching to see how good or bad the girl's life turns out. 

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.
The camera quickly follows the path through the icy mountains to get to the palace. Once there, an establishing shot is taken to present the wondrous setting that is about to be entered. Just as the narrator is telling the story of a princess who lives in a castle with her brilliant father, the camera rapidly zooms out of the snow globe and onto the people looking at the globe. The voice-over of the narrator continues on about how she may have stretched the truth and proceeds to tell her story.  The technology used here adds to the story. Without the music in the background or the pink cursive font on screen, the story would be boring and less fairy tale-like. The main character narrating while showing her happy memories is much more effective than if only the memories were shown because we know that the film will eventually lead up to the "present" (older Cinderella who is narrating for her younger self's memories). The wipe fade across the screen from different scenes gives a much more fun taste to the film than a simple cut would.


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