Five Master Edits
Video: Contrast: The first shot displays a tranquil Woody, going over material in his book. In the next scene, Alyssa's nephew is shown having the time of his life whilst dancing. Parallelism: We begin with a shot of Alyssa walking down the hallway, and then lead to the opposite shot of the snake slithering around, which would be located across the hall to her right. Simultaneity: For this master edit, we decided to show the action in a Mexican Jaripeo, where one of the bull riders was beginning his task or riding the bull. At the same time that this was occurring, someone else was on a plane headed back to Florida. The plane ride clip shows how the passenger was departing from one of Mexico's airports while at the same time, a sort of party was taking place on the ground. Leit Motif: In each one of these shots the individual(s) stop whatever it may be that they are doing to come to attention while shouting "L-H-S." The repeated cl...